Post-production and re-post-production of photos

In this topic, I can say that I feel like "a fish in the water". I love post-productions, playing with light and shadow, colors and tones of the picture, manipulation of details. It is not only a passion for giving the photo its proper power of communication and the character of emotions evoked by the recipient, but also knowledge supported by 26 years of experience in digital graphics. Some examples can be seen in the PORTFOLIO presented on my website. These are just a few of my works, you will be able to see more and read about it on my blogs soon.

First offer is directed mainly to professional photographers and includes:

Post-production and cooperation in the field of photo processing with professional photographers dealing with wedding photography, baptisms, communions - who, in the flood of orders, have increasingly long deadlines for handing over the finished photos from these photo sessions to clients or the possibility of personal - equipment forces them to give up many lucrative orders.

How is it done? Simply ONLINE. There is no need for direct face-to-face contact with the client (photographer, photo studio). I don't need to know your clients' personal data or who they are. I do not acquire any rights to processed photos. I am just an additional, invisible tool during the implementation of your order.

The only thing I need is transfer the RAW photo files to me for final photo processing. If a photographer or a studio expects to maintain the style, styles in which the final photos come from under your hand - it will also be necessary to send presets (Lightroom) or LUTs (Photoshop) - used by you to post-production photos in your studio.

These presets will be used by me only during the work on the RAW files you upload. In this case, I also do not acquire any rights to these presets / LUTs or the possibility of using them in post-production of photos for other works commissioned for me. Anyway, their use in the case of other orders would not make much sense, because these tools are saved by the author specifically for the camera used by him, which was used to take the photos and the original settings used in camera. Thus, the use of such presets in the processing of photos taken with a different camera and with other settings would rather bring about different effects than expected.

The offer of post-production and re-post-production services is also addressed to private individuals. I mean amateurs and photography enthusiasts whose photographic skills are at a good or even high level. For whom the lack of time, technical and software capabilities, and above all lack of experience and knowledge in the use of specialized software do not allow them to obtain the desired and expected visual and emotional effects - which they want to achieve in the recipient of their photographic works.

I also address my offer to people for whom a smartphone is the primary and the only photographic tool they use. Many of these people have large collections of photos on various topics - which only gain strength and character in the post-production process - turning out to be real pearls of their collection. And which predispose them to be displayed in the right visual form on a large screen or are worth printing and presenting in the form of a permanent wall exhibition in your home or office. It often happens that only the proper post-production process shows that we have such pearls in our collection.

Principles and technical requirements go to

Quality, not quantity