... countdown to start ...3...2...1... GO!

Piotr Koscielniak

5/21/20224 min read

… Well my website is ready for official publication. Only the first blog post remains to be written and edited. First introductory post. The hardest. I know what the next ones will be about. At least I think so now ... They will be about my next photo sessions. Inspirational and creative ones - when an ordinary trip to get good photos - turns into something that will be remembered for a long time ... They will be about my adventure with photography, about the people I meet while pursuing my passion ...

Because for me, photography is not only about "snapping" pictures. It is contact with nature, getting to know it from all sides. It's meeting people on your way. People who have a lot to say and convey to us. But not with words ... but with their posture, facial expressions, gaze, way of performing a given activity, their behavior…

I love to photograph the reality that surrounds us. Famous and popular places, cityscapes, landscapes, nature. But from the beginning of my adventure with the camera and lens, I try to photograph mostly less known places, hidden from our eyes. Hidden with the full force of the laws of nature, greedily guarding and protecting its beauty and majesty. It also happens that after long hours of hiking in the hunt for a good photo, you enter a third-rate path somewhere, or make your way through the wilderness and thick bushes, and then you go down to a dangerous and risky place, where hardly anyone dared to go before ... And when you pick up the camera and look through the viewfinder, you already know that the long hours of hiking were worth just that one frame. That this is what you are here for, to see it and capture it in time ..

But it's not just that you have to keep looking for new challenges. Not. Because you can come to the same place many times. At different times of the day or seasons. Different sunlight, different weather, different colors ... Just a different existing reality. And you can always find something new to photograph that you haven't noticed before. Or something that just today and right now this place wanted to show us and let us take this photo. This one time and never again ...

I love photographing people. But I do not mean studio photography, posed, positioned or directed by both sides of the photo session. I mean, first of all, street photography, hidden from view, such as when the photographed man does not know that I am watching him closely through the eye of the lens. The one when I capture this moment, when he is absorbed in his own reality, lives with his own world that surrounds him, when he is absorbed in his own thoughts and activities ... Because only such a photograph shows this man truly, his naturalness as he really is. He tells us the truth about him ... I do not interfere with his reality, I do not infringe his intimacy. I just save this moment in time ... Anyway, any interference in his world usually causes an immediate change in his behavior. He ceases to be who he was just a moment ago, ceases to be natural. He begins to pose subconsciously, play the role he wants to assign to himself. He often becomes artificial, untrue, as if taken out of another fairy tale, from another world ...

STOP!!! I have to stop because I wrote too much. And I thought it would be hard to start this first post ... I will write about all of this here on this blog. So let's go back to the beginning, to this moment. NOW. What is and will this website of mine be?

HUB. A hub where my photographic passions and my work meet. You will be able to see and follow subsequent photo sessions and to see the effects of my work in post-production. You will be able to see what photos I send to photo banks, stocks - for commercial sale. But also interested people will be able to move from here to my online store, where you will not only be able to buy a photo framed in a nice frame to hang on the wall - but also in the form of a print on everyday objects ...

Trivial? Yes. But that's life. To pursue your passions - you also need to earn money to finance them. And get paid for your own life. Therefore, this site is also a place to present my offer to professional photographers, photography enthusiasts, as well as for people who want to take advantage of my photo services and create their photo portfolio. Both for professional purposes and simply for your own pleasure. For memories that you will be able to come back to after many years.

But most of all, it will be a website about a passion for photography, about its colors, colors and shades. And about the world that surrounds us, which we do not notice, busy and absorbed with our lives and problems. So welcome to my world. The world in the eye of the lens. Feel free to follow my page and add it to your favorite browser bookmarks. Because you never know what tomorrow will bring ...